Want to tell her you like her? Here are some tips

in Speak Peace2 years ago
If you are smitten by some girl or some woman that you've met and you've been trying to figure out the best way to tell her that you actually like her and would like to date her, this is for you.

Alright I'm going to share with you five ways to break it to her five ways to let a girl know that you are in love with her, the proper way to do things because some of you are absolutely clueless. I'm here for you today.


Spend some time with her.

The first thing you need to do if you find a woman that you actually are attracted to in one way or another is to make sure that you have spent some time already with her. Make sure you know her through and through and can anticipate what her answer will be. Now this is really important if you're going to reduce the likelihood of getting rejected by this woman that you really like. Some of you don't pay much attention, it seems and I guess that also accounts for the nerves that you feel every single time before crosses your mind if you want to propose to a woman you need to at least see some positive signs in your interactions with her that she may be open to you.

This can be something she may have verbally said, how much time she's willing to spend with you, her body language, body language guys and a lot of you don't pay attention to it at all but for me, there are lots of cues that lie in just you know the way she behaves around you. So pay attention to these things and be sure that you're not going to be turned down. Trust me sometimes even when you're sure that you're not going to be turned down.You do get turned down and that's okay too. But make sure you spend some good time with her you know what she likes, you know what she appreciates, you've probably even found a very cunning way to ask her about the kinds of guys that she likes. And see if you fall in that category.

Prepare what you're going to say.

Now listen, if you are nervous about it, and most guys usually are, it's understandable, this could go 5050, In fact, it could be 100 and zero where she flat out rejects you so I understand why you will be nervous. However, I'm just saying that if you prepare for the time that you're going to propose, put your thoughts together.What exactly you're going to say where are you going to take her, you know, create the scenario in your mind and see if in your mind's eye you can actually envision how that proposal is going to go. Now most times it's better to prepare ahead of time because at least you're not going to be fumbling with your words and come across looking very insecure or stupid or just be mumbling and fumbling along. She may not take you seriously or she might just think you're a clown and still not take you seriously. So these are things that you absolutely need to consider if you're thinking of moving a relationship to the next level prepare. Preparation is key and when it meets with opportunity, usually there's success that is born. So good luck to that.

Go outing


Now you want to take her out to a place take her to a decent place and make sure that you are looking your best I'll always advice to put your best foot forward and understandably so. Appearance means everything. Chances are if you've encountered this girl already several times she has a sense of who you are and you always do want to work on looking your best if you're going to try to impress this girl that you really like and so take her to a decent place and decent is relative I mean for somebody it might be out in the park, another person it might be at the movies for another person it might be over dinner or lunch. It's entirely up to you whatever your distance is, should suit you fine. But I would say whatever place it is make sure it's not too public with it too many people there and who could possibly witness your rejection if that happens. You know, you want to make it an intimate private space where both of you can avoid all the distractions and really concentrate on the matter at hand. And remember when you talk to her, be confident, be confident, do not fumble. Do not. Don't do the whole arms and ahhs and I'm thinking about and you know, don't beat about the bush Be confident. Lay your cards on the table. Let her know how you feel.

Maybe you shouldn't expect an immediate response.

If the pressure was too much, then you could do something like this. Tell her that she doesn't have to give you an answer immediately. Now, this lessens the pressure a little bit especially if you're not sure if there's going to be a positive answer or not. Although, depending on the age of the girl, I wouldn't say if she likes you, most likely she would, you know agree right away. But if you're dating or going after a girl who's a little younger and a little more inexperienced when it comes to relationships, she may not give you the answer right away for different reasons.

Sometimes girls think that if they answer Yes, right away, they're being too cheap they'd like to play hard to get and that kind of thing the older woman gets though, the more she's certain about what she wants and what she doesn't. And she's able to give you responses right away. So you can save yourself some anxiety and tell her that you know, you don't have to answer right away but I really care about you. I really want you and I'm hoping that you would be my girlfriend, and we could take this relationship to the next level that my dear friend is the way to do it. Now take note if she's taking abnormally long to get back to you. I'm talking about a week, two weeks a month you still haven't heard a response. Listen and take it from me she doesn't like you that much. Or there's probably someone else in the picture that she's considering, it's all good. You know, don't ask her again. Just leave it out there and move on and try your luck with somebody else because sometimes people just don't want to hurt other people's feelings and you can understand people's egos are fragile, and being rejected can be a difficult thing. But yeah, I mean, I'm just saying if she doesn't get back to you, take that as a no and move on. Don't ask her again.


Whatever the answer may be, Accept it.

Finally, I'd say be ready to accept her answer whatever it is. Now if you happen to propose to this girl that you were so positive was going to give you a yes, and she's dragging her feet or she just plain flat out said look, we cannot date. I don't know I don't feel the same way about you. You're not my type of guy. It's okay. You ready to accept that answer? Do not let that ruin your evening out together. Don't just leave her, let's say you guys are at a restaurant don't walk away and leave her with the bill. Do the honorable thing. Not everybody will like you. You were vulnerable with her and you told her how you feel and it's really entirely up to her whether she wanted to pick your heart up so to speak. If she didn't feel good, as always there'll be someone out there who will love you for you. Now whatever it is, do not hate her for the answer that she gives you and especially if it's not in your favor. That's okay. Life is full of rejection and indeed, sometimes you need to get rejected by many women to find the one who truly deserves your love.

Well that's it for now, its a wrap, I hope this was helpful. Thanks.

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