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RE: 4 More Igbo Names Giving me the Sort of Inspiration Otagburuagu Gives Me

in Speak Peace • 2 years ago


Damn, truly. Just that the language is spoken by fewer people. However if you name something like that with Otagburuagu people would go find the meaning and be impressed 😂


Yesterday my niece and nephew tried to pronounce 'Hypersensitivosaurus'. It was hilarious! Especially my nephew struggled with the name, no matter how many times I pronounced it.

I actually find it funny, to have invented a character for children ( and adults ) that most kids - and many adults - can't even pronounce or spell correctly :<)

HAhAhAhahahAhah. Oh shit, I can imagine how that might make you feel. But there are a lot of upsides to it. I think kids would find such a long name interesting and might want to challenge other kids to pronounce and spell it. I remember challenging my friends, when I was a kid, to some spelling challenges and it was always great to learn a new long difficult word because that way I now know a tough challenge to give my friends 😅.