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RE: Hive-Naija Weekend Engagement #10 - Time Management

in Speak Peace2 years ago

It's a good thing everyone has the same number of hours a day.

And although it might seem too short sometimes, it is actually more than enough.

Lots of great things have been achieved by great people who have the same 24 hours just like everyone else. . The only difference between them and the average person is Time Management.

They've learnt to take advantage of that same 24hours we all have to do what really matters

Time is enough if you spend it wisely.
It is more than enough actually.

If you want to learn to manage your time well, set your priorities right.

It's as simple as that.


I see you in the spirit... Our priorities matters. We need to know what to focus on and what not to.

Thinking we can do everything is the beginning of time mis-management but understanding that things need to be taken at a time with priority over its influence over our lives produces an effective time management.

That's it exactly. Prioritisation!

This is deep...
It means I will stop beating myself to do everything.
Maybe little per time everyday and that it must be something with top priority.

Thanks for sharing thi @starstrings01

Yeah, you get the point.

It might not be easy to follow through initially but with constant practice you'll become better at it.

Just like every other skill, Time Management requires constant practice as well.

My priorities stay intact until I pick up my phone 😂.
So help me God🤲🏾

Hahaha ha... It happens to most of us.

That's where self discipline comes in.
Most of us don't see the reason for self discipline until it hits us hard.

You see this self discipline eh... E be like obanje... E go just dey come dey go...

Can you just sit your ass down... You this guy they call discipline?

Lol... Here's the trick, have something or someone that constantly reminds you of your goal.

At every hour, ask yourself if what you're doing at that moment is geared towards achieving your goal.
Or if it's even worth spending out of your precious 24 hours on.

Sit yourself down, call out your name and advice yourself. If you want your life to be better, you gotta be better.
No excuses, Time is more than enough.

The question is; what are you doing with yours??

This self-discipline thing is easier said than done. It takes years of constant practice to be able to get there, anyway, little drops of water can make a mighty ocean.

Yes definitely!

Phone addict @sekani ... 😂😂😂.
Some times I keep my phone away from reach when I know I have an important thing to do...

Phone get special type of distraction.


I'll try that out. Maybe it'll work for me too

For some people, that phone is how they get things done... Different strokes for different folks.

Uhm..i get the part of time is enough if we spend it wisely.
Word!! @nkechi

Omo nothing is simple o, However, it makes sense to think of it that way... thanks for your contribution

Whether something is simple or not... Depends on how you've decided to see it.

Just like programming is really complicated for me, it is very simple to someone else and with constant practice, it wouldn't be so complicated to me anymore.

Some have learnt to master and maximise their time, others are still trying to figure things out.

So whether you want something to be simple or not, depends on you.

Prioritizing the right things will help big time. There's so much distraction everywhere, if we don't learn to focus on the right things we won't get anything done.

Exactly...We should just always learn to call ourselves back to remain on track instead of wasting time unnecessarily and then come back to say its not enough.