in Speak Peace3 years ago

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It's the bull run and everyone is suddenly an expert (on things they don't know). I have seen people (including myself) do reckless and risky things with their money and still get away with it. Even the market rewards such behaviour now. This bad-habit rewarding mechanism is probably going to ruin a lot of people.

There is an impending bear run and possible financial market crash which will test not just the bad projects but also the good projects. If the crash is going to be as bad as many predict, it will hit everyone and that is the scary part.

Good projects die during the bear run. I experienced this during the last bear run. Not everything passes the test of time, good and bad. So it's a gamble to find the right strategy.

What do you do when the bear comes knocking?

Listening to the All-In podcast, and one of the highlights for me was when Chamath mentioned that most of the top investors land CEOs selling their stocks. This tallies with the sentiment most of us have, which is that the current highs are not sustainable.

I was doing some quick maths yesterday, comparing my holdings with their last year's price and it hit me how I am not in the best position for the bear run. It is also good to know your position at the top and bottom of the market.

Anyway, this video covers some of my thoughts on investing in the bull market and the impending bear run/global financial crisis. This is also my entry for the hivenaija weekly prompt

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You know, I have a feeling that it will be a fake bear market and then things will go up and down like usual. I don't think we are going to see something play out like 2017. It is too expected, what is least expected and most painful happens in crypto. The bear market will come, but it will be short and painful. Just my thoughts. My strategy is that I have already set aside my long term stash and I am pulling the trigger slowly on the short term, trading when I see opportunities and stabling up to take advantage while setting stop losses. No strategy is perfect I believe, but we gotta do what fits our situation.

Yeah, I think the next bear run will be artificially created. A lot is happening in the crypto space currently for the market to plummet by 80% or more. Well except there is a global financial crisis, I don't see why we would be having a bear run soon. Yes, a lot of hype exists for semi-useless projects but I believe money gradually flows to the places where value is created. Look at the hive, for example, I dont think it is anywhere close to its real value. But over the last few months, we've seen things move upward for hive

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