Once aku mau cover @alex-zen hive open mic week 76

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Hi friends, at hive open mic week 76, today I will sing a song from once entitled I want the song to tell the story of a man who accepts a girl with everything he has and this man loves the girl very much. The song is sung by a vocalist named Once.

I want to

you can ignore me think I'm not but it won't change my feelings for you I'm sure someday everything will happen you love me and never will let me go I want to accompany you I want to love your flaws I'm the one who got hurt for the past I'm sure I'm there you can stay away from me and think I don't exist but won't change my feelings to you I want to accompany you I want to love your flaws always and make you happy whatever happens I'm sure I exist.


Hey, thanks for being here. I assume the lower paragraph is the English translation of this song, am I right? Thanks for giving a translation, so we can understand the message in your music. I'm glad to hear you. Wishing you joy and peace.

Thanks for joining in and enjoying Hive Open Mic

you're welcome. yes it's true someone who really loves, I'm very happy to be here