Hive Open Mic Week 79 // Kontrasmu Bisu // Iwan Fals (Cover)

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago


Hive Open Mic Week 79

Welcome back to post, guys. Today is a wonderful day in my place, Banda Aceh. The sun is shining bright with a lot of wind. I have to say it's quite hot to go somewhere if we use kind of motorcycle moving around. But, these situation didn't mean I have to stop doing something. Especially taking part for this Hive Open Mic moment. On this ocassion, the Hive Open Mic theme is MIRROR ON EARTH. It is very interesting to figure out. I've been thinking several days before Made up my mind and choose a song from Iwan Fals that I believe relate to the theme given. The tittle of the song is KONTRASMU BISU. This song, "Kontrasmu Bisu" is a song popularized by Iwan Fals and composed with Anto Beret. The song, which was released in 1993, became one of Iwan Fals' singles from his album titled Ethiopia. It tells about the paradox of living in a big city such as Jakarta (I used to living there for almost Ten years before last year back to Aceh) and the small town (where I am living now). You may check the video out of the following link.

Here is the lyrics and its English translation

Tinggi pohon tinggi berderet setia lindungi
Hijau rumput hijau tersebar indah sekali
Terasa damai kehidupan di kampungku
Kokok ayam bangunkanku tidur setiap pagi

Tall trees lined up faithfully protect
The green grass is spread out beautifully
Feels peaceful life in my village
The crowing of the rooster wakes me up every morning

Tinggi gedung tinggi mewah angkuh bikin iri
Gubuk-gubuk liar yang resah di pinggir kali
Terlihat jelas kepincangan kota ini
Tangis bocah lapar bangunkanku dari mimpi malam

The height of the tall, luxurious, arrogant building makes you envious
Restless wild huts by the river
The lameness of this city is clearly visible
The cry of a hungry boy wakes me up from a night dream

Lihat dan dengarlah riuh lagu dalam pesta
Di atas derita mereka masih bisa tertawa
Memang kuakui kejamnya kota Jakarta
Namun yang kusaksikan lebih parah dari yang kusangka

See and hear the noise at the party
On top of their pain they can still laugh
I admit that the city of Jakarta is cruel
But what I witnessed was worse than I thought

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Si kaya bertambah gila dengan harta kekayaannya
Luka si miskin semakin menganga

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
The rich get crazy with their wealth
The wound of the poor is getting bigger

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Terimalah suaraku dalam kebisinganmu
Kencang teriakku semakin menghilang

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Accept my voice in your noise
My screams are getting lost

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Kau tampar siapa saja saudaraku yang lemah
Manjakan mereka yang hidup dalam kemewahan

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
You slap anyone my weak brother
Pamper those who live in luxury

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Angkuhmu buahkan tanya
Bisu dalam kekontrasannya

Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Your arrogance raises questions
Mute in contrast



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Hola amigo aunque nonoude imentender el idioma, te puedo decir que trasmitiste tu canto de forma agradable, tienes una voz hermosa y el acompañamiento musical estuvo muy lindo. Fue un placer conocerte. Saludos con cariño desde Venezuela.

Gracias @mariajruizb.. Happy you like it.😁😁🙏🙏🙏

Hey buddy! What a nice sound, congratulations. From your greeting it shows that you are a great artist. What a joy to have users like you among our colleagues at the Open Mic. Sorry I hadn't seen you before, but I'm already here and I'm satisfied with the sound you bring us...

Glad to see you on my post @jesuslnrs .. Love to share with you all here. It's A huge honour for me if you like the music I bring here. Massive thanks for your appreciation. 🙏🤗

The rich get crazy with their wealth
The wound of the poor is getting bigger

This is true, the wound of the poor is getting more bigger and the other saying. Your calmness when producing the sound on both the guitar and your voice was great

Thanks for going Along with the lyrics, friend. Also thanks for your support on my video performance...😁🙏🤗

You are welcome and the pleasure is mine