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RE: Hive Open Mic Week 188 || Boundless Love - Women of Faith by @jessicaossom

in Hive Open Mic7 months ago

@jessicaossom I automatically sympathized because you like team shirts haha. I loved the style, I identify with it. And as for the song, incredible. Your voice has so much power. I love Hive Open Mic's potential to make so many amazing artists like you, it's really important that we pay attention to everyone's work here and listen thoughtfully when we stop to browse community posts. Is not it? Have a good week dear. Your performance made my night even better!


Your amazing comment made my day too🙂
I also appreciate the fact Hive open mic gives music lovers a platform like this.

Yes, it's incredible, I always said it was love at first sight with Hive Open Mic, because I come from that open mic culture. From hiphop events across Brazil and abroad. Follow me if possible and I'll follow you back, let's connect, let's be friends! @jessicaossom