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RE: Hive Open Mic Week #44 - 'Four' I Lost my G (Original Split-Screen Song) [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Gracias por participar y disfrutar de Hive Open Mic

Spanish: Es un sonido genial que estás creando aquí, y parece que todas las capas funcionan bien juntas. No había oído hablar del género * Chillhop * hasta que lo mencionaste aquí, y esa parece una buena forma de clasificar esta canción. Me gusta mucho. De hecho, el final abrupto me hizo querer más, lo que me muestra cuánto disfrutaba escuchando.

English: It's a cool sound you're creating here, and it feels like all the layers are working well together. I hadn't heard of the Chillhop genre until you mentioned it here, and that seems like a good way to classify this song. I like it a lot. In fact, the abrupt ending had me wanting more, which shows me how much I was enjoying listening.


Thanks, yeah I listen lot of music in youtube, 'chillhop' is kind of global genre now, another style pretty close to this sounds is called 'Neo-soul'.

I just fixed the video, now is more accurate. Thanks for comment!