Hive Openmic 98 - On the Back Of Angels (Guitar solo)

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Playing again for openmic after a long time!, as usual i wanted to try this Dream Theater guitar solo!, far from perfect yet but there we go!...

The song is "On The Back of Angel", from 2011 album A Dramatic Turn Of Events


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Oh wow, I'm glad you're here. I think I recognize you from way back in the days of Steemit Open Mic. Your guitar playing is stellar! Pretty impressive you're able to cover a song by Dream Theater—that band is awesomely talented. You talents are awesome, and I'm grateful to you for sharing your musical gifts with this community.

Thanks for joining in and enjoying Hive Open Mic

This is really awesome sir
Your solo is Perfect, indeed more than perfect 🔥
Your sweep picking is off the hook and mind blowing.
It is indeed an honour for me to listen to this wonderful piece from you sir.
Best regards

This is amazing, I loved every minute of it.

Wow! you make me want to learn how to solo...I kind of skipped that part of guitar, of course I can but not like that

Que bien!! Esta es una de mis canciones preferidas de Dream Theater, por lo menos esta en mi top 10, cosa que es decir bastante ya que la cantidad de canciones que me gustan de esta banda es incuantificable. Saludos!! Fue una sorpresa escuchar esto por acá.

amazing! the guitar is awesome! by the way a little mistake in the #openmic

blessings and congrats

Brutal! Una de mis bandas favoritas, aunque les haya perdido un poco el rastro desde el Chaos in motion, hace ya bastante tiempo! So ejecución estuvo perfecta, muy buen sonido el de su guitarra, además! Saludos y que viva el rock!