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RE: error

in Hive Open Miclast year

It is true that we all have faith in God, although the level of faith differ. We have love in us but in different degrees.

But I feel we need just more than the ordinary faith and love or hope in relation to God. We need that supernatural gift of loving, believing and hoping and these are give to us by God if we ask him and dispose ourselves to Him.

I appreciate your insight in this entry.
You video is very cool and i love it
Keep giving us good music.
You rock !!


Agradecida con tu comentario amigo @jesus-son, tienes razón en parte se necesita la fe y amor verdadero en Dios que sea inquebrantable, para que muchas cosas e incluyendo nuestro pensar y sentir sea diferente sin ningún tipo de egoísmo. Bendiciones y éxitos

You are welcome dear.
You do so well
Keep it up