Hive open mic week #172 Treasured Possession By Bob Kauflin cover //By @Julti1985(ENG/ES

in Hive Open Mic10 months ago (edited)

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Hello Hivians,
Welcome to another wonderful week on #Hiveopenmicweek172.
My daughter has been sick for 2 weeks now and that has made me miss last week's presentation but all thanks to Almighty God she is getting better gradually.

image source

Am glad to be here again on #hiveopenmic.
This week the theme says, "family".

A family can be described as a group of people related by blood, marriage, adoption, bond, sacrifice, friendship, connection, religion, etc.

The family is not related by blood only. In life, we meet different people every day there are many people around us that we are not related to by blood but they are like family to us.

Many friendship has turned to be called family because the bond between the friends is so strong that has made them to be more than friend but family.

The sacrifice many make to other people's life has made them part of their family because they feel what the other people are feeling and they are easy to give their everything to others to assist them. In other words, they have made themselves to be part of the family.

Here on Hive, we are one big family that cares so much about others.
Everyone in this hive wants to see that the other family member is doing well. we have not seen each other physically but we know that we are one and need to wash each other's back and support each other efforts and that is what family does.

Today I will be singing a song titled "Treasured Possession" by Bob Kauflin.

I choose this song because it talks about the bond of Christianity, how Christ has shown us great love and has made us be in God's one large family through The blood that He shed for us on the cross of Calvary.

As Christians we all believe we are brothers and sisters in Christ we care for one another and render help when help is needed.
Thanks for listening.

The lyrics here

Hola Hivianos,
Bienvenidos a otra maravillosa semana en #Hiveopenmicweek172.
Mi hija ha estado enferma durante 2 semanas y que me ha hecho perder la presentación de la semana pasada, pero todo gracias a Dios Todopoderoso que está mejorando gradualmente.

Me alegro de estar aquí de nuevo en #hiveopenmic.
Esta semana el tema dice, "familia".

Una familia puede describirse como un grupo de personas relacionadas por sangre, matrimonio, adopción, vínculo, sacrificio, amistad, conexión, religión, etc.

La familia no está relacionada sólo por la sangre. En la vida, cada día nos encontramos con gente diferente, hay muchas personas a nuestro alrededor con las que no estamos relacionados por la sangre pero que son como una familia para nosotros.

Muchas amistades han pasado a llamarse familia porque el vínculo entre los amigos es tan fuerte que los ha convertido en algo más que amigos, en familia.

El sacrificio que muchos hacen por la vida de otras personas les ha convertido en parte de su familia porque sienten lo que sienten los demás y son fáciles de darlo todo por los demás para ayudarles. En otras palabras, se han convertido en parte de la familia.

Aquí, en la Colmena, somos una gran familia que se preocupa mucho por los demás.
Todos en esta colmena quieren ver que al otro miembro de la familia le va bien. No nos hemos visto físicamente pero sabemos que somos uno y que necesitamos lavarnos la espalda y apoyarnos en nuestros esfuerzos y eso es lo que hace la familia.

Hoy cantaré una canción titulada "Treasured Possession" de Bob Kauflin.

Escogí esta canción porque habla de la unión del cristianismo, de cómo Cristo nos ha mostrado un gran amor y nos ha hecho estar en la gran familia de Dios a través de la sangre que derramó por nosotros en la cruz del Calvario.

Como cristianos, todos creemos que somos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, nos cuidamos unos a otros y nos ayudamos cuando es necesario.
Gracias por escuchar.

La letra aquí


▶️ 3Speak


The beautiful presentation you got here my teemie.

I enjoyed listening to you.

Thank you dearly team-mate
It's nice having you around @amiegeoffrey #teemjarb

Lovely rendition
Well-done 👏

Thanks for stopping by @mhizerbee

You're welcome

Your voice is Amazing
Thanks you for blessings us with this amazing song.
Well done dear

Thanks for coming around.

This is very beautiful❤️ your voice is so amazing even without a background music. It shows how rich your voice is.

Much love🥰

Thanks for your amazing comment @chosenfingers

I Totally agree with you that Many Friendship has turned to become a family for some persons.

The way friends will turn up and help you will be shocking.
This was a wonderful piece, it has blessed my heart 😊

I am happy to hear that it blessed your soul.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

You're welcome 😊

Amazing content. Also your song was nice. Well done, dear.

Thanks for stopping by

You’re welcome. ❤️

 10 months ago  


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 177 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(1/5) tipped @julti1985

Yahhh those people should not be taken for granted, family is everything and it should come first in every aspect of life, Nice voice #dreemerforlife

The family must always be first on everything.
Thanks for coming around

Yahh am glad to see we on the same page.. oh thank you for thanking me ☺️☺️

Wow, 3 months ago? Interesting..I
Enjoyed the video... you did well sis

Thank you for enjoying it @nkemakonam89

I just realized it was three months ago because I tried voting it and it said that! BTW, you are an outspoken person and also your voice is beautiful!

Thanks for your comment @cescajove