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RE: Hive Open Mic Week 92 / Por Siempre (Original Song) by @fernanblog

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

what you say is not easy, turning the negative into positive takes a process

Yes, and interestingly yesterday I wrote a post and published it now, exactly touching this topic, using a negative experience turning into a good one :) When a relationship, it is more painful actually, and yes, takes more time. Sometimes, we think we could never deal with the beasts, but in one moment, even don't know how it happened, we feel ourselves free from them. Is it time that helped...? is it all the work we have done on ourselves...? is it just the beasts faded away...? we dont even have to know the answers, but we feel a relief.

Yes, another person can help through the process, but either we should enter after one long relationship to another if we are exposing the new person in our lives to our unhealed heart. If we can train them to behave well ( the beasts) then it is more than welcome, the healing is way too faster, right?

Yeah, the place was absolutely great, the roof of your house. Excellent work and very cool!!! :))

 2 years ago (edited) 

If precisely that moment when everything is gone, we could call it detachment, and it is the time, the control of those beasts and also what we do psychologically to deal with the pain and the feeling of emptiness, all that you mention conjugated 🙌😀💛...

The 2nd thing you mention is true, it is not honest to go from relationship to relationship without healing, and that is what many people do, in my case it was not like that nor has it been, let's say that it was a good time after that relationship I mentioned, years passed in fact, I am someone who enjoys solitude for long periods of time and when I enter into a relationship is because I am already prepared, however to be exact I have lived that 2 more times, It is something I have been working on for a long time, because obviously those results are also part of personal imbalances that must be fixed, not everything has been entirely the fault of other people, the complex is that somehow I end up messing with people who expect a lot from me for being a psychologist and that is a stigma I have had to fight with since I assumed to be one. ... ahhhh it has been so hard for me you can't imagine how much, it is difficult to get someone who is not forewarned by the fact of being a psychologist, even within my family it happened for many years, thank God they already understand that I am just another mortal, but from the beginning it was never easy, it has not been easy my dear friend...

Any time I will see your post, I want to read your writing, no doubt 👍🙂