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RE: 🎵 Hive Open Mic 169 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic11 months ago

¡Hola a todos! Con la temática de esta semana que es: GUERRA. Una persona que sienta que debe estar constantemente caminando con los ojos en la espalda, vigilando cada paso que da y sigiloso por donde quiera que va... Es una guerra que todo soldado debe batallar en su interior y con el entorno. Muchos se contaminan mezclándose con una cultura violenta. Pero el verdadero guerrero o héroe (digno de aplaudir) es aquel que da los primeros pasos para generar un cambio en sí mismo y conciencia en otros de manera positiva. 💪 🙌 👏

Hello everyone! With this week's theme that is: WAR. A person who feels that he must constantly walk with his eyes on his back, watching every step he takes and stealthy wherever he goes... It is a war that every soldier must fight within himself and with the environment. Many become contaminated by mixing with a violent culture. But the true warrior or hero (worth applauding) is the one who takes the first steps to generate a change in himself and awareness in others in a positive way. 💪 🙌 👏