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RE: Hive Open Mic #159 || Therapy by Khalid ~ A cover song by Princessbusayo.

in Hive Open Mic β€’ last year (edited)

You did it! πŸ˜€

I didn't even think you would actually do it. I take it to be a boring song for other people. But you did it and nailed it.

I love your hair, besides your voice. It's nice your consider looks too. I appreciate that.

You are doing well, my Princess. πŸ‘
Forgive my late entry.

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Aww πŸ₯°
Yes, I had to honour hour request na 😁 and I am glad you liked it too. The song isn't that boring to me. Thanks for your compliment and no, you weren't late. You came through eventually πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ