Hive Open Mic week 148 - Bintang di Surga (Cover) by Samuel Stifen

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Hi, dear friends and family at Hive Open Mic Community. Introducing, my name is Samuel Stifen, a guitarist in the music group The People People. Usually, I play music videos with my friend Frans. But yesterday, he was busy studying because soon he would be enrolling in a state university. Btw, it's unbelievable, the weekly event #openmic has entered number 148. Every day I see great and talented musicians here. This proves that the Hive Open Mic weekly event is getting ahead of the curve.

So, this week's theme is “Starlight”. This theme was chosen by @leandri, the only cute little girl singer in this community. From this week's theme, I performed a cover song entitled “Bintang di Surga”, by Noah. Written by Ariel, a vocalist in the band Noah. Noah's band was originally called Peterpan. Due to internal conflicts within the band, the band broke up. Then Ariel reformed his band and named it Noah. The song Bintang di Langit was originally included in the Peterpan album in 2004. Then this song was re-arranged and released again in 2012.

The song entitled Bintang di Surga in English is Star in heaven, this is a song that fits the theme of week 148. From the lyrics of the song Bintang di Surga, I think that this song tells about something very beautiful. Ariel, as a vocalist and songwriter, wants to describe a star that is located in an extraordinary place, like in a very beautiful heaven. Indeed, if we look at the stars in the sky, they look very beautiful with their light. Below, I've included the lyrics and translation.

Indonesian Lyric

Masih ku merasa angkuh
Terbang kenanganku jauh
Langit kan menangkapku
Walau kan terjatuh

Dan bila semua tercipta
Hanya untukku merasakan
Semua yang tercipta
Hampa hidup terasa

Lelah tatapku mencari
Arti untukku membagi
Menemani langkahku
Namun tak berarti

Dan bila semua tercipta
Tanpa harus ku merasakan
Cinta yang tersisa
Hampa hidup terasa

Bagai bintang di surga
Dan seluruh warna
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata

English Lyric

I still feel proud
Fly my memories far away
The sky will catch me
Even if you fall

And when everything is created
Just for me to feel
Everything that is created
Empty life feels

Tired of looking at me
Meaning for me to share
Accompany my steps
But meaningless

And when everything is created
I don't have to feel
remaining love
Empty life feels

Like stars in heaven
And all the colors
And loyal love
And real light

Lyric Source by

That's all I can tell you all. I hope you all like the presentation of the songs we sing today. Below, we also put a link to the song from their original version so you can also find out about the singer. Thank you and nice to meet you.

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Hello friend I miss your friend Frans with whom you often do your videos with and I wish him success in his academic pursuits.
It is amazing how you managed to put up this for us here. You are a great guy.
Weldone man

thank you very much friend, I also pray for you to always be successful in what you continue to do, you are amazing friend.

You are welcome friend
Thank you too

Hermosa interpretación. Tienes una linda voz. Que sigan los éxitos 🤗

gracias por tu aprecio anita😁