in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hello Hive open mic community and it's lovers, it's always very interesting participating in the community weekly contest. It's hive open mic week #127 with the theme "Tevazu" which in English means "Humility-modesty". The theme was chosen by our community recent Spotlight artist @okayozdemiroglu. Thanks for giving us such a wonderful theme, more blessings.

Seeing the theme I was like what interpretation am I going to give it and which song would fit in.
So I think of it in this direction that as human being we need to be humble before our maker and always ascribe all glory to whom glory is due. There's absolutely nothing we can give him than to give him praise.

I'll be presenting a hymn titled "All hail the power of Jesus." Also I'll be singing the first and third verse only, I know the song has up to six verses but I'll be singing two so the video won't be too lengthy.
All hail the power of Jesus is one of those hymns I love so much right from my tender age and even till now. I hope you guys will find it interesting too.

Verse 1
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all,
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.

Verse 3
Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race, ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all,
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all.

Hola comunidad de micrófono abierto de Hive y sus amantes, siempre es muy interesante participar en el concurso semanal de la comunidad. Es la semana #127 de micrófono abierto de la colmena con el tema "Tevazu" que en inglés significa "Humildad-modestia". El tema fue elegido por el artista destacado reciente de nuestra comunidad @okayozdemiroglu. Gracias por regalarnos tan maravilloso tema, mas bendiciones.

Al ver el tema me quedé como que interpretación le voy a dar y que canción encajaría.
Así que pienso en esta dirección que como seres humanos debemos ser humildes ante nuestro creador y siempre atribuir toda la gloria a quien se debe la gloria. No hay absolutamente nada que podamos darle que darle alabanza.

Estaré presentando un himno titulado "Aclamen todos el poder de Jesús". También cantaré solo el primer y tercer verso, sé que la canción tiene hasta seis versos, pero cantaré dos para que el video no sea demasiado largo.
Salve el poder de Jesús es uno de esos himnos que tanto amo desde mi tierna edad y hasta ahora. Espero que ustedes también lo encuentren interesante.

Verso 1
¡Todos aclamen el poder del Nombre de Jesús! Que los ángeles se postren;
Sacad la diadema real, y coronadle Señor de todo,
Sacad la diadema real, y coronadle Señor de todos.

Verso 3
Vosotros, simiente del linaje escogido de Israel, rescatasteis de la caída,
Salve a Aquel que os salva por su gracia, y coronadle Señor de todo,
Salve a Aquel que os salva por su gracia, y coronadle Señor de todos.


lyrics source

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Nice guitar play and nice choice of songs..

I enjoyed it
You're amazing bro

Thanks so much bro.

Waooooooooooo!!! But what a beautiful voice my dear friend, I applaud you standing because you have brought a very nice presentation and it was also a cappella!!!!

Beautiful verses, I was left with much desire to continue listening to you!!!!

I hope to see more of you, receive a big hug from me! God bless you! Glory be to God!

Hmm am blushing already 🙈 thanks so much for your kind words and for stopping by.

Nice song Brother
You did great
Love your guitar,too sweet

Hmm... Thanks brother.

Hi there @sholex94

A nice song, and good singing coming from you.
As a suggestion, I would say to try to record your entry when there is nobody around so there is no background noise. Then your listeners can concentrate just on your interpretation :)


Thanks so much... I'll do the needful next time.


Nice choice of song friend.
This your voice sha🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I always love how you sing and drag the words, it makes sense.

My good friend, thanks so much... You're so amazing.

My boss 🙌... I dey feel you 😋 😋 😋

Lol... Thanks my boss
Good to see you here again.

Your participation was pleasing. It was nice to hear your voice. I wish you a week full of music.

Thanks so much dear friend...

Hola mi querido amigo, estoy feliz de que hayas participado en la semana 127. Fue un placer escucharte. (Perdón por no responder por mucho tiempo.)👏👏👏

Muchas gracias, aprecio querido amigo.