Hive Open Mic #188 passion Mr. Big wild world cover

in Hive Open Mic8 months ago

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Hello hivers
today i wanna sing a song from mr. big
wild world, i think this song is my passion
because i like retro song, legend song
and old song.

i just wanna sharing that i resign in my
job on cigarette company, i just cheated
by my friend, but i am not sad, because
i believe in god,

my friend just make a trap for me and
let me fraud on my job, so my boss
give me a papper of resign,

so now i have to move on and search
more money and job to my life. i cant
believe this happened to me.

actually i am tired to this, i have thinking
to end my life, but i need to live, because
my mother and my brothers, they have
nothing, so i need to look more money

hope my life better

▶️ 3Speak


Well done @ubay0077. You've got a very strong voice and you played the guitar so well. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed every bit of your performance. Kudos bro ...

Please take a look the week on your title, I think you have week 188 and we are currently in week 185

Me gusta esta version brother. Yo tocaba esta cancion con unos amigos de la epoca. Felicidades por esta entrada

buen voz y onda!

Bello amigo, felicidades ❤️ me gusta el sonido de la guitarra y tu voz. 🤗✨

Fantastic performance my friend, you do it with passion, determination, and skill. I like the way the guitar sounds. Congratulations on such extraordinary work. You are talented and brilliant.

Hey bro, great guitar technique.... It's a beautiful theme that you brought for this week, I'm happy to see your interpretation, a big hug God bless you.