Hive open mic week #189, OLUWASEUNLA , cover by wallay

in Hive Open Mic8 months ago (edited)

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Greetings and welcome to my blog😎

It's hive open mic week #189, you know what, I am very excited to be here again this week and got joy overflowed in my heart.For this week's presentation, I will be presenting a song titled OLUWA SEUNLA , It is a song sung in Yoruba language, Nigeria, it is a powerful song, and I am full of joy to present it to this wonderful community.
The theme for this week by our Spotlight Artist: @gemafreya1234 is titled: My Perception.

Looking at the whole thing in my life and everything that has happened to me, I have to direct my perception to the grace of God over my life, and that is why I sing to him alone in this presentation. God has really been faithful to me and my family, despite passing through a lot this year, his grace found us, and it is marvelous to me, God is gracious to me in all ways.
I encourage you to also exhibit the heart of Thanksgiving towards him as well, he will always make a way for you and keep you safe from your foes.Our God can never fail ,he rules over the affairs of men ,there is no one like him ,God of wonders i magnify your name .

Here are the lyrics of the Yoruba song, written by me.

Oluwa to so hunla
Teni kankan ole se
Eniyan ni o tipari
Baba ti se oo
Torina moyin o
Ose baba.

Thank you for listening , God bless you.

Saludos y bienvenidos a mi blog😎 Es la semana #189 de micrófono abierto de Hive, ¿sabes qué? Estoy muy emocionado de estar aquí nuevamente esta semana y la alegría se desbordó en mi corazón. Para la presentación de esta semana, presentaré una canción titulada OLUWA SEUNLA, es una canción cantada. En idioma yoruba, Nigeria, es una canción poderosa y estoy lleno de alegría de presentársela a esta maravillosa comunidad. El tema de esta semana de nuestro artista destacado: @gemafreya1234 se titula: Mi percepción. Mirando todo lo que pasa en mi vida y todo lo que me ha sucedido, tengo que dirigir mi percepción a la gracia de Dios sobre mi vida, y por eso le canto solo a Él en esta presentación. Dios realmente ha sido fiel conmigo y mi familia, a pesar de pasar por mucho este año, su gracia nos encontró, y es maravilloso para mí, Dios es misericordioso conmigo en todos los sentidos. Te animo a que también muestres el corazón de Acción de Gracias hacia él, él siempre te abrirá un camino y te mantendrá a salvo de tus enemigos. Aquí está la letra de la canción yoruba, escrita por mí. Oluwa a tan hunla Teni kankan ole se Eniyan ni o tipari Baba ti se oo torina moyin o Ose baba. Gracias por escuchar, Dios los bendiga.

▶️ 3Speak


You have written a beautiful song, with a good message, I loved your interpretation and your voice so sweet..... It is true we should thank God for everything.

Thank you so much for the good comment , God bless you

This is one of the Yoruba song I enjoyed listening to, Agbanilagbatan (He who saves completely or He who makes Whole)
You bring back memories with this song cover, with a very powerful voice of yours
Well done sir🙌🙌

Thank you boss🙌🙌

This is a wonderful creation. I am surprised by your creative powers to compose, I am sure that you are inspired by God. I congratulate you on this beautiful interpretation, extremely pleasant and endearing.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 183 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Nice one bro.

Thank you so much

Wow! My best morning song!
Oluwa seun nla-- God has done something big
Ti enikan kan ole se-- which no one can do
Eniyan loti pari-- people said it has finished
Baba tise o-- God has done it o
Nitorina moyin o-- because of that I praised thee

Wow!!!😀😀😀thank you so much

You are welcome

If the grace of God is removed from one's life, I think that person is just as good as nothing, we need His grace each and every time.

Nice entry man.

Yes my man

I love this song as worship, it always nice. You sang it well.

Well done.

Thank you so much my r sister

I love this song too..Agbanilagbatan is a powerful song. You did well with the cover 👏