Lead Capture Pages - How To Set Them Up - Luke Is Alive Day 65

in Larry Is Alive3 years ago

Here I write about how to create and set up your Lead Capture Pages for your list, plus I find Luke 1 time in SeaLifeHits.

Graphic made in Desygner

Hi there and welcome to my blog, my name is Erik Gustafsson and I go by the handle @flaxz on Hive and CTPtalk.

Lead Capture Pages - How To Set Them Up

Yesterday we looked at how to get Lead Magnets and emails for your list, so that you have something to promote and to send out to your subscribers, What To Promote? - Emails And Lead Magnets.

Today we are going to look at your Lead Capture Pages, and as I said I can make you custom graphics for this with your name and picture on, just contact me in the Team Alive Discord.

These graphics are specifically meant to be used with the LCP Builder in ClickTrackProfit, and if you are going to use LeadsLeap as your autoresponder then they have intructions inside on how to create LCP's for your list inside the membership area.

The autoresponder that I will include here is TrafficWave.

Now go to Tools and LCP Builder in ClickTrackProfit, and click on Create LCP to make a new one, and go with a Blank Design.

Inside the editor then select the image element from the right side menu and place it up top, then you upload your graphic and save the design.

Now you go to your list in TrafficWave, and select Campaign Overview and then Campaign Profile for your campaign, and next you select Capture Form Fields and click on Form Fields.

After that you select Get HTML Form from the dropdown inside the frame, and then go with RAW HTML to get your form code.

Copy that code and go back to ClickTrackProfit, and select Tools and then Forms and paste it into the box where it tells you to, give it a name and then click Create New Form.


This will give you a Javascript code for your form, but first click on Customize This Form to give it the look that you want your form to have, and you do this by adjusting the sliders that controls the design of it, and when you are happy just save it and then copy the Javascript code.

Now you go back to the LCP Builder and select Edit for your LCP, and once again use the right toolbar and now scroll all the way down and select the element that contains code brackets '<>', and place this below your graphic.

On this element you will see a settings wheel, click that and it will bring up the code for this element, first delete everything inside, and then paste your Javascript code in there and Save it, and then Save again to save the LCP.

Now you have your Lead Capture Page for your list, open it up and test to sign up to see that it all works, and if it does congratulations, people are now able to subscribe to your list.

Here is how one of my LCP's look like by the way, and the screenshot is taken with my phone.


Luke Is Alive Day 65

Luke is a very alive figure, he travels around in Listopia, and you need to find him so he can help you to build your email list, it's a Scavenger Hunt from ClickTrackProfit, see the Luke Is Alive Community about how the daily contest works.

Screenshot from CTP

This is Luke in person.

I Found Luke

Made in Desygner, photo by Erik Gustafsson

So today I found Luke 1 time in SeaLifeHits and he was hiding at page 80 which you can see in the screenshots below.



This TE is owned and run by @sigskeie and here I mostly promote my LCP's for Mobile Cash Formula, which is my 42 day email course teaching how to create an online income in a mobile friendly way.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, I hope you liked it, leave your thoughts in the coments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on PeakD

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

Join the Team Alive Discord

Made in Desygner

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Well done completing the Scavenger Hunt Erik, you have earned 4 tickets for the daily and weekly drawing.

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@maddogmike - Game Master

#LukeIsAlive contest - win daily and weekly prizes

Made in Canva and RoundPhoto

Thanks a lot Mike and Team Luke.


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

great post. If I had a mailing list or something to sell, I would set up an LCP.
My posting is hit or miss and I have no "product" or service to offer.

Thanks Craig, in that case just sign up to my Mobile Cash Formula, link in the post, and then copy and paste it for yourself, it's 42 days and starts with Start Earning Today, then goes over listbuilding and getting subscribers, and the last 3 weeks is all about content creation on Hive, from week 2 I also share documents each week with all emails up to that point, happy listbuilding you have no excuses now.


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Needed content. Thanks Erik.

Upvoted, and reblogging as well. Appreciate all you do to create good content that people need. It matters.

Thanks a lot Rob, and I am glad you like it, I am actually thinking of making a small email series for Luke out of it, might get us some new hunters too, have an aweosme day.


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

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