AN INTRODUCTION TO NESSPHERE AND SPENDING HBD (get to know me and my first time spending HBD)

in SpendHBD2 months ago

Good day, hive, it's nessphere. My name is Vanessa. welcome to my sphere(world). I am a Nigerian and Igbo by tribe. This alone should sum up my personality, but for the purpose of getting to know me better, let's dive deeper.

I am a female. I would say I'm not fair but not dark. Maybe brown skinned though. I am of average height, and I don't know how much I weigh yet, but maybe I could be described as slim and thick. I don't know, but I do know that I am good-looking, and I love smiling. I have a thing for people's beautiful smiles. It's most likely the first thing I notice in a person and often what sticks to my memory. I, just like everyone else, am on the neverending journey of self-discovery.

I would describe myself as an ambivert. I live in both worlds well and cannot thrive exclusively in one. Years before now, I would have described myself as an extrovert, and maybe those around me would, too. But recently, In this journey of discovering myself mixed with adulting, I can definitely tell you that my introverted side has come to shine. There are some activities I absolutely enjoy doing myself, I crave solitude to recharge and just exist most times, I have three different characters in my head that I call friends(and more to come), and sometimes where a crowd feels overwhelming, I have what is called a social battery that gives my extroverted self freedom of expression for a designated time and after that I am mentally and physically drained. The list is long and as we go on, you get to see and know me more.

As I stated earlier, I thrive well in both worlds because I could be the life of the party, be outdoorsy, be free-spirited, be chatty, be loud, and be energetic. I don’t find it hard to make friends and depending on when you meet me, I can be confrontational.
I am a Jehovah's Witness. This side of me is really important to me. A huge part of my lifestyle, my motivation, my decisions, my beliefs, and even my personality are deeply affected by this fact. I love having bible-based discussions, so feel free to ask your questions, and I will be happy to provide answers as well.

What are your hobbies? Hmm. I remember someone asking me this question, and I replied, “To be.” I don’t really enjoy “doing’ things. Most times I enjoy just lying down on my bed and just breathing. Call it relaxing if you wish. Just existing without any cares or concern mixed with relative peace and quiet is definitely what I enjoy “doing”. However, because I can't always afford this luxury (cries and laughs in adulthood), here are some activities that bring me joy.
Listening to music, something about a good voice, a well-played instrument, and good lyrics makes my heart jump in excitement.
Singing, so obviously, my mouth will definitely follow my heart to jump. Singing the wrong lyrics gives me joy too(something about laughing at yourself and reimagining someone's song for
Dancing; there's no way my hands and legs would not want to join in the fun. And yes, my body also moves off-beat.
Reading; I love finding out about random facts I think I would never use. Short, precise, well-diction books/writeups will forever have my heart.
Listening to poetry and reading poems is an activity I enjoy doing; you see listening to spoken word artists? An obsession.
Chatting/hanging out with friends and being around people who know me, love me, want to see me happy, and vice versa is an ultimate mood booster.
Watching movies, I feel this one goes without saying, though, because it does not require much “doing”. I don’t have a specific genre of movie I like. Just give me a good storyline, and my mood will decide the rest.
Writing: as someone who is emotional and tends to overthink, writing is more than just a hobby for me.
So many activities bring me joy, but like I said, we’re still discovering ourselves.

How I got to know about Hive

I got introduced to this platform by my friend @mesonia who also enjoys writing. So far, she has not only introduced me to the platform but has also explained the ropes to me, taken me to meet the community, and answered all my questions. I plan to be accountability partners to each other and just support each other while learning and growing. You know, there's a cliche saying that no man is an Island.

My first time on the hive and spending HBD

I did not really do much because it was my first time being around these people as a community member. So, as a stranger, I tried to be demure and mindful while socializing. It was a fun experience.My first experience with hive friends and how I made use of spendhbd at la Fresh Food and Bakery. We traveled from Umuahia to Aba. On Saturday, 18th January, I went with my friend to the @fokusnow office for an official introduction to the team and to prepare for the shocking experience. It was also my first time in Aba, so i just Met a few persons at the office. Then we made our way to la fresh ffood and bakery. After a detailed explanation on how to make a purchase, how to scan, make payment and claim a discount through the distriator. We then proceeded to practice it all, and I placed my order and made payment, thanks to the support of @mesonia and @fokusnow. There are a lot of foods on the menu, which include snacks, white rice and stew, jollof rice, fried rice,c chicken, and turkey. Their services were good and they were happy about our presence.

Photo booth

We wrapped the day with a photo session, lots of photo sessions...Took a lot of pictures and made a lot of videos. I'm really happy I met them. I have made it a life goal to meet new people, connect with them, and just enjoy the process while at it. I'm also grateful for the experience and opportunity to spend and earn at the same time. I hope to meet more and have friends.


Venessa, I say a warm welcome to you yo the Hive platform. Its cool to be here and I hope you didnt have a bad stay in Aba. Hive is a place to find friends that share similar passion. There are many communities to explore and activities to try. Its great you started with SpendHBD.

Hive accepts only original content. I also advice that you stay consistent and he patient. You would love it here. Welcome once again!

Welcome to the hive platform. This is an amazing platform remaining active will help you to achieve your goals

We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.Welcome to the Hive community @nessphere!

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
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  4. DO NOT lose your password or keys; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. DO NOT OPEN any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

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Have fun and happy Hiving!

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You are welcome

We are so happy to have you join hive ☺️
Your so much welcome and hope you gain valuable gain in ur journey