 last year  

Because they are probably older than you, they may have more responsibilities or jobs, or children. I found I wanted to be together longer when I first moved away, but, everyone else had more obligations than I did. It happens, but, eventually, they got around to fewer obligations. I hope you don't let that bond break. They are so hard to get back once the division is made.

I think all of us have our own obligations. I have my own home to deal, they have theirs to take care of. None of us can stay together longer, but desires are desires. They go beyond reality.

You are right in saying that we shouldn't let the bond break. Even if we meet less often, it should always be love

 last year  

My siblings and I have come to realize that at some point in our life, we just have to make more time. We do it as often as we can.

We used to have fly-by meetings. :)

Hehe. So, now you have converted fly-by meetings to stop-at meetings 😸

 last year  

Exactly! :)