A sensible decision turns to regret

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago (edited)

First of all, I wish to say that I consider my self a sensible cautious down to earth been around the block a number of times silvery haired oldie. One cannot get to the retirement stage after a long working life and raising a family not to develop some well earned practical wisdom.

At least I used to think this was the case. Here is my story that questions my skills and my proof of a brain.

When buying a Samsung flat screen television in February 2020, I and my pragmatic and full of common sense hubby were persuaded by a smooth talking salesman into buying 5 year extended warranty. Everyone does it we heard! It all sounded so easy; not too expensive and if your TV breaks down come in with your receipt and get a new TV paying nothing. Wow, this sounds too good to be true, it is that easy? We were hooked!

But, would you believe it, the unexpected took place! You see over a week ago, the 2 year old Samsung went black and worked no more! Just like that! We went to the store as directed at the time of purchase but instead of leaving with a new flat screen, we were told to ring the Product Care insurance department. The lady in this department told us to ring the TV Antenna and Aerial business contracted to inspect broken flat screens, the tradesman will visit to inspect your TV within 48 hours.

However, a big glitch appeared very quickly. The TV business told us they were too busy to come to our home next week. Instead we happily delivered our flat screen to the business hoping to speed up the process. It did not! Once at the TV Antenna and Aerial business we were told to expect a week or so before an inspection of the flat screen could be carried out. They will make their report and then contact the insurance company.

I am now currently seriously doubting my instincts, sensibility and wisdom. While watching television is not high on our to do list, I like to be able to turn one on. My feeling of frustration is high.

Will we buy extended warranty ever again for appliances? The answer is a loud no, never again.

While currently in this long waiting game I have no control over I can only wonder if perhaps there is a lesson to learn. I am definitely feeling humbled and getting a lot of practice with patience

Eventually I know a new flat screen television will be hanging on the wall once more!

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In to days commercial world trust no one, always try do research and ask friends, business makes more excuses, use many more loop holes to escape doing what they promise, what you paid for!

Extend this to all areas in life which includes specialists, doctors in fact anywhere you pay for services or warranties...

!LUV hope this is sorted out soon.

I find it a sad reflection of our world that we need to check everything and everyone out @joanstewart. I find that it can be a hit and miss too.
I have never liked insurance companies because I find them to be money grabbers and so very mean paying out. One hears such terrible stories.
Do you have extended warranties in appliance stores in South Africa?

Brands vary, more often than not computer equipment one can purchase extended warranty, in some cases cars.

A good deal on a handshake days are long gone!

Giving your word with a handhake is definitely gone. I am on the phone to ring the insurance company to find out where the process is up to. Should be interesting!

A good day was had Joan, I rang the Insurance and yes the Claim was cleared to go ahead for a store credit. So off we went to buy a new Flat Screen. We bought a Sony and of course more expensive than the Samsung!
Anyway the Sony is now up and working!

Good to hear you cleared it up, most places haggle to not honour replacement as promised and paid for.

I know and how wrong are they!

I understand your frustration. It bothers me when I feel like I'm being jerked around on something that should be as simple as, you sold me the warranty, I bought it, the TV is damaged, give me a replacement. I hate it when I feel like I'm half trapped in some sort of game where they play at wearing your patience out.

I hope you sort this out soon and you got your TV.

It is such a black and white scenario and we never envisioned this happening. I am actually tempted to go in and buy another flat screen but then talk sense to myself, hahaha.
All in good time I tell myself. Anyway Silver Cat I reading is one of my favourite pastimes and can just download books on my kindle in a minute flat!

I do prefer read than watch TV, too ;) Anyway hope you solve the issue with that flat screen 🤗

It is the principal of the thing when it is all boiled down.

 2 years ago  

I can just imagine your frustration @angiemitchell, and thank you gor the warning, I'm sure it's the same all over the world!
Although I had a pleasant experience, something we didn't know when our geyser (water heater/ hot water tank) burst, was that it had a 5 year warranty. Our plumber came out & gave us the good news, we did not have to claim from our insurance!
They came the day we reported it and installed a new geyser! There was a little glitch as a connector pulled out when they put the cover on, but they were back early the following day to resolve it!
But I'll not ever pay extra for appliance warranties after hearing about your experience!

What a happy easy fix it good luck story @lizelle. I love it when this happens so effortlessly too. Got to love plumbers.
We call out 'geyser' a hot water system and one night a year after moving into this home there was an almighty noise at the back door. When we investigated the hot water system was shooting up water at an almighty rate of knots. We found a plumber the next day and a new one was installed the next day. It was obviously old and warranty was never mentioned.
Wishing you a happy Monday. The days certainly roll around quickly.

What's a Flat Screen TV? 😏

 2 years ago (edited) 

The new modern smart TV connected to the internet/wifi etc that streams shows and has numerous apps etc.


An enjoyable way to watch movies on different channels and apps when you want to in the evening.
Nice to meet you Silverfish.

Nice to meet you too... Myself i can't really comment on this subject, since i do not have these "tv's" since 1994. 😌😎

Will we buy extended warranty ever again for appliances? The answer is a loud no, never again.

I never do this now. I was told a few years ago, that the best way is to open a savings account, and instead of paying any of these warranty extensions etc, put the monthly or annual premium into the savings account to cover the cost if something does break.
I hope your television does get sorted!