Negative emotions are stones in a jar

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

I went for a massage and got so much more than I bargained for.

The precursory introduction to the massage involved an explanation of the glass bowl of fairy lights sitting under the massage table alongside crystals and feathers.

According to Hawaii spirituality a Kahuna Masseuse and shamanic healer, Andrea, said every baby's soul is filled with fairy lights when born on earth. As life unfolds the babies grow through childhood into adulthood dealing with the array of life's lessons, lessons that produce both positive and negative emotions. Positivity adds twinkle and shine to the lights while negative emotions like anger, anxiety, jealousy, hurt, revenge etc are represented by stones, all cold and hard.

I wondered whether stones were in my jar and how stones could be taken out of our jars? But the moment did not allow it? It was not the time to ask, Andrea was only giving me information. Preparing me I later realised, for any messages that may come through. The amazingly relaxing hour long massage flew by. As soon as Andrea finished she told me that I had stones around my heart and that she had been told that I needed to resume swimming, adding that water is an effective way to break down stones.

How seriously do I take these heavily laden metaphorical spiritual messages? I left thinking about the negative emotions, visualising little, big and multi-coloured stones. Maybe not all my negatives were overly big, there must be little ones too.

I thought that I had cleared my heart through meditation and yoga but obviously not. I am not one to back down from a challenge and since I love swimming. It is time to swim again. I swam 40 metres in a 50 metre pool a couple of times a week but have not swam since moving to the Sunshine Coast.

I plan to try out the Andrea's messages so I am going to experiment. I will go back to Andrea for another Kahuna massage to hear whether the stones around my heart are smaller in size, fewer or disappeared altogether. One is never too old to learn or discount new learnings.

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Appreciation to the lovely @lizelle for bringing #silverbloggers to Hive


Designed by the clever @artywink

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Thank you @shasta for opening my eyes to the quintessential beauty of natures wonders. - boulders, rocks and stones.*

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agree never to ol;d to learn

Lessons don't seem to get easier either.😊

”Positivity adds twinkle and shine to the lights”

I think that describes you better, Angie @angiemitchell

Hahah Jo, I just had to laugh out loud at your words. And a very big hello to you.
Keep the bright twinkle and shimmering shine on in your lovely energy fields too. Happy day to you.💛

Hi Angie. It was an interesting massage you had with the information on the stones. No doubt we all have a few of these little stones around our heart because of anxieties and hurts, left in our memories. throughout the years but they will not weigh us down. :)

Keep well and let the light keep on shining.💕

How wise you are Jo, I agree we do carry so much with us but I do believe too that every emotion and thought becomes a part of us and it is up to us to make it as positive, light and beautiful as we can.
Sending love💙

Sounds like you had a wonderful massage!
Perhaps the stones in the jar can be transformed into
sun-stones, all warmed up with light! :-)
Thank you for these wise words and beautiful stones ❤ @angiemitchell :-)
Swimming sounds divine!

I love your positive touch @shasta and I am sure I can fill them up with sunshine. Maybe they will change into brighter and colourful when touched by the sun. I love stones, their many different sizes, shapes and shades. I often wonder about their history and how they come to be where they are.