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RE: Magical Mothering Sundays over the years

in Silver Bloggers • 2 months ago

That must be hard, seeing your parent like that. She sounds like a wonderful woman who had greatly impacted your life.
Darn, brought tears to my eyes. 🥲 I'm so touchy when it comes to parents since my parents are now in their mid 60's. Still young, but since I've been away from home for the past 19 years, seeing them only a few times every few years or so, I feel like I missed so much. With each homecoming, the aging just becomes more evident. Hayyy....
And the weeding. Yes, I agree it is important in almost all aspects of our lives.

 2 months ago  

Aww giving you a big hig. Yeah she passed away in her mid 60s. Such a shame but yes it was horrible seeing her like that. Being away for 19 years, I get that feeling, I worked all over the world and lived for long spells in America and Spain and so did not see her for years at a time. Ah the ageing yes that happens, and is more noticeable now they age.
Life huh it sucks at times.

Thank you. ❤️

Mid 60's is an early age to go. :(

At least now, there's technology that it's easier to communicate, but personal interactions is still the best.

 2 months ago  

Yes young indeed. Tech is great and getting better, but there is no touch. Sometimes a hug a hold of hand just works wonders.

Yep, we got the chance to have a vacation in the Philippines last year when my dad had a hand surgery. I loved just hanging out in their room and watching their favorite videos with them.

 2 months ago  

Ah that is good you had a chance to be with him when he had that surgery. Yes hanging out, that is it in a nutshell!