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RE: Saturday Check In: Silver - Weather - Garden - Relax

in Silver Bloggers29 days ago

I hear ya. We plan on being here at least another 10 years.. after that no sure. Either south or to the beach (on the island). My wife loves the beach and spends most of her summer there chilling out on the sand. So I totally understand not putting a whole lot of time and effort into something you may not live in for the long haul. Camping or mulch.. camping or mulch -- hmmmm Yeah Camping definitely wins! lol


I want to say we will be out of this house within ten years, but given the market, I just don't know if that is going to be possible. I think we would really like to do a new construction, but finding the right piece of land is difficult. We've also talked about a condo, but we need someplace we can park our trailer without getting ticketed! First world problems am I right?

Definitely 1st world problems.. lol
We built this house 17 years ago. It was a fun but stressful process. Everything is so expensive so I imagine this time around I would be in for some real sticker shock. I always say that we would buy the land and hang on to it for the next build, but not sure exactly where we want to be yet.

There are definitely a lot of factors to consider the older you get. There are things I would do to our current house, but they are all expensive and I don't want to just throw that money away. Assuming I had the money in the first place!

Yeah.. :( Money. Easy come - Easy go.
Reminds me of Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer ..
Robbie: "No, sir, I have no experience but I'm a big fan of money. I like it, I use it, I have a little. I keep it in a jar on top of my refrigerator. I'd like to put more in that jar."