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RE: A Slightly More Empty House

Dear Victor how sad that we both had to say goodbye to the beautiful black beauty’s this week. I am amputated. The kids devistated and the house is not the same. Joey lost his big brother and is not eating. This week has been awful. And the thought of getting his ashes tomorrow kills me.

So i know what your re going through.
I love love love the header picture and she looks like she has something to say to hive !
I wish you strenght and light
It’s a button i wish we wouldn’t have to carry
Take care


I'm still looking for the dog when I glance in the backyard. Alas. They were good doggies, and had a good life! They were happy, and that's important.

It was a great 10 years but boy oh boy what a hell it’s to adjust without 50 kilogram of black furry love ,
You and I know what it’s like and it will take time