
Thank you @carolkean. That would be wonderful. Would you DM me on on Discord? @fionasfavourites#1034

I'm not on Discord.... it keeps insisting my passwords are wrong.
I was thinking I'd transfer $25 from my wallet to silverbloggers, if THAT password still works.
I save passwords, I copy/paste them, I watch out for the extra space (invisble) that might screw it up....

That would be fantastic, thank you!

@carolkean, @lizelle asked me to follow up with you. We're trying to work out a way of getting in touch offline so that we can help you - including getting in to Peakd...any ideas?

Thanks, and Raj808 has tried more than once over the past year(s) to help me over this hurdle. I saved my passwords. I keep getting Transaction Error or claims of wrong passwords. "Hive Signer" allows me to post and comment and all the other "keys" are stored in my wallet, but no matter which one I use, I'm not getting in. In the past, I've managed to transfer funds and delegate, so what changed? #gremlins ....?

I don't know. You might want to check them and do a fresh save. I'm going to give this some thought.

 3 years ago  

That's awesome of you @carolkean, thank you so much!