The pleasant slowness

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

Traditionally, the elderly were seen as a slow person; His parsimony in speaking was even questioned and he was a source of jokes even on comedy shows.


The old man comes to it for logical reasons, he no longer has good eyesight, so he avoids a fall and is more attentive to the road, but also his muscles and bones, accustomed to a type of sedentary lifestyle, do not have the same energy as before.

I am walking for an hour a day in a bio-healthy park, I do it with pleasure and good spirits. Yesterday I traveled, seven hours on a bus and today I am sore, even though last night I took a short walk with a son. My back and legs hurt and I feel heavy, I complain when I sit down and when I get up. I know that as my mobility increases I will feel much better.

There is a lot of heat, the thermal sensation can reach 40⁰, it generally stays at 38⁰, that is something that also limits movement a little and makes us slower.

This is the moment of speed, everything is desired to have immediately. Reading a book is avoided because that will take a lot of time, if you prepare a food you want to have it immediately and microwaves and air fryers speed up the preparation. I think the only thing missing is teleportation to complete the desire for fast.

Those of us who knew the processes and learned to enjoy them have a kind of nostalgia for them. We appreciate the speed with which we can make an arepa with pre-cooked flour, but we miss the flavor of the corn arepa that our mother made from parboiling the ingredient the day before.

Today's generations do not know that and even despise it. The taste for slowness is the craziest thing you could hear. Contemplating nature, caring for some species, understanding some type of courtship and enjoying a conversation are forbidden pleasures.

Nowadays, when you call on the phone, the person answers: "Tell me", "What happened?", "What was it?" There are those who say: "don't call me, send me a WhatsApp audio." People even use the option of not making notifications visible, so as not to reveal whether or not they saw the message.

Nobody wants to waste time. This became a precious asset that was used for nothing. Sometimes I ask the people who rush me what they plan to do with that minute they won and they are perplexed and it's not that I want to defend apathy or laziness, they are different elements. It bothers me that someone has nothing to do but sit on the street watching people go by. It is something that is repeated, the heat and the lack of electricity force people to go out to "burn" those dead hours in which they cannot do anything productive.


There is a stillness of apathy, disinterest and another mandatory by circumstances, both are negative. Taking time alone to meditate and reflect is beneficial when it is voluntary. Those are my favorites, the ones that contemplate the pleasure of conversation, reading a book, caring for a pet, admiring the garden and many others where slowness works magic.

My content is original.
I have used Google translator
Image of my garden and me on my 68th birthday.



I believe that in the vortex of the world in which we live, learning to take things slower is a virtue. Stop from time to time to enjoy what we have. The new generations do not understand it now, but who knows and the day will come when they do. Or maybe the world will be so different when they reach their silver years and their concerns will be different, who knows?

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