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RE: Some Ice Sickles and investing in Myself

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago

Yup Wednesday will lead to some answers, decisions and a way forward. Though I know most doctors are against acupuncture and even chiropractors.

Btw a tooth gone is cheeper and piece of mind not worrying something is still lurking in my body. Still thinking of that sterile tooth that was suppose to be completely rid of the bad things that still caused all those rabbits problems.


Yeah when it comes to root canal - that documentary was crazy lol. There’s a bunch of reasons why removing the tooth is a lot better! We have options for sealing it up too I think they talked about it.

If you do get it pulled - make sure they get the whole thing and the ligament or whatever that keeps the tooth in there. They are usually good about that but can’t hurt to remind them :D

It's crazy how expensive the procedure is. I'll post what it will cost out of pocket soon once I go. I'm sure they won't like my decision to yank.