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RE: About The Kid At The Place I Got The Things Made

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I think you should bring the lady at the phone desk a treat when you go in again, just to see what happens.

Good one! I only wish I would've thought of that myself. Embarrassing. I'm surprised Pura didn't suggest it. Gimme an excuse to make someone's day and I'm in. I was back in there yesterday, she was not :repeat: was not the same person. I'm chalking it up to super bowl mistakes.

Wassup @liftslikealady? Good morning over there. Hey I left you a couple messages about #exhaust, you get those? Looks like a good community to consider for recording your training.

Ooh! Where ya goin? When?! Who what and all that. We'll be at LAX in April. It's been a long layover, we're ready to get back to what we're good at.



It feels like ages ago! I am gonna do an exhaust post to try it out. I love my "fitnessing."
Hopefully, you don't have to keep going back to PT too often because that denotes some kind of injury. If you do, at least it will be entertaining??

Also, I am about to take a trip to Hilton Head, SC. I am gonna explore Savannah, Jacksonville, Hilton Head, and maybe Charleston. Any knowledge of those locations? I welcome tips and tricks and suggestions of must-sees in that area. I haven't ever been in that area of the country. We are going to do a girl's trip with the fambam.

"back at what we're good at"- I am curious as to what that is. I was going to say what aren't you good at, but I actually want to know the former. :)

 2 years ago  

It's an ongoing injury I've been nursing for decades.

We really enjoyed Savannah. The people there are great. And they have delicious crab. Can't go wrong in Savannah. I have nothing but good things to say. When you're in the sidewalk with all the cherry blossoms touching the ground, go downstairs to the boardwalk, that's where all the good food is.

Charleston. My favorite part was the beignet's we found at a French restaurant. I wish I could remember the name of it, the chef was from New Orleans, they were delicious.

When are you going? It gets hot there like punch you in the mouth hot in the summer.

That is the beauty of it all. We have no plans so far. We can do whatever and whenever. I have a car and can drive. I would really like to see some American History. I want to visit some amazing old homes and see some beautiful trees. I need to see if there is some hiking to do also. Maybe there are some waterfalls out there.

It looks like it will be about 70 all week. I have felt the sucker punch by humidity+ heat.

 2 years ago  

South Carolina and Georgia heat is nothing like Palm Desert or Palm Springs or wherever you are, it's a heat you can taste on your fingernails.

Well then you have to drive the 441 through Blue Ridge Pkwy—second most toured roadway in the US. Second only to a lava formed roadway in Hawaii. Tom Petty sings about 441 in American Girl.

Girrrrrrllll. I've driven coast to coast a total of three times now on three different routes, you just shoot me a line from wherever you are when you're ready to go and I'll give you all the pointers I can think of.


This is awesome! We ha e driven CA to FL, but never the upper east coast, and I haven't driven up the coast on the Eastern United States-yet. I would love to see our whole country.

I have to tell ya, I grew up in AR, and know about stifling humidity, although maybe it is worse in VA and SC. I know TN and FL feel like the same wet hell in the summer to me as AR. I never knew about good hair as a kid until I visited non-humod climates.