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RE: The Ups and Downs of Living with Diabetes

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

She's plagued with a debilitating disease Lizelle. I couldn't imagine. She lays in MRI machines every four months just to make sure it's not cancer yet. How rapidly life changes.

From holding hands along the Mediterranean Coast to Brexit, then Covid, and now this. She's so ready to get back out there. She says painful things to me sometimes like "I know I won't live to see 50."

Dammit. This is why I didn't elaborate.

God bless you guys @lizelle.


 3 years ago  

Life really can be so unfair at times! Why oh why the suffering and not knowing what lies in store and especially for someone so special and young and once so full of life!
You both remain in my prayers @dandays! Take care of yourself too, Pura needs you now more than ever 🙏🏻💞

 3 years ago  

Pura is always in my nightly prayers. Life isn't fair, but you can change that balance with love and light. Be her rock.

 3 years ago  

Might wanna close the blinds.....

 3 years ago  

heheehhahaha wise ass