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RE: Evening Reflections: Playing Golf and Thoughts on "Becoming Obsolete"

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Ah yes, I remember "Brother George" on golf courses!

Although I do recognize that the golf course is gradually growing "irrelevant," I can't help but also think of Joni Mitchell's classic "Big Yellow Taxi:"

Personally, I hate lawns and am a bit fan of the "grow, don't mow" initiative in nearby British Columbia — use your space to either grow food (we do, a little more, every year) or xeriscape it with native plants. In another 2-3 years, I hope to now even own a mower...

As for what they'll do here, I don't know. Whereas people do need places to live, our city council is substantially populated with California transplants and I don't entirely trust them to actually create affordable housing, rather than another slew of "luxury homes" nobody local can afford.


Thank you for Joni Mitchell :) I don't think I ever heard the words so clearly.

We're moving, if we can ever clear our current house of 48 years of accumulated stuff. New house I hope to start out fresh, with native plants, and a nice garden.

Good luck with the golf course. I wouldn't trust those transplants either.😇