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RE: The Holidays Are Almost Here: Gold or Coal in Our Stockings?

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

You're right of course, they're just figureheads and puppets for somebody else's agendas.

Perhaps what feels different about 2024 and going ahead is the fact that a lot of us have woken up and realized that in fact Covid didn't kill everybody, and there is a faint sense of normalcy that has returned. For us, for example, that "represents" in terms of us being back to doing arts and craft shows on a regular basis. Things might not be a lot better but at least it doesn't feel like we're "in jail" while things are getting worse.

Are things actually getting better? I suppose only time will tell. But I feel mildly hopeful because there is a vague sensation that the Old Guard is starting to lose their death grip on keeping things their way. Not even so much because they're directly wrong, but because they're becoming irrelevant.

I was watching a YouTube clip the other day in which a commentator was pointing out that even Republicans are starting to comment negatively on the policies that were put in place in the Reagan Era, almost as if they realize that we've been doing this for 40 years and it's not working. Personally, I always thought "trickle down economics" was a complete joke!


I am not even American so my opinion doesn't count for as much as someone who is but I think EVERYONE knows Reganomics sucked.

From my perspective, working with small businesses, things are less actually getting better than recovering from the impact of disruption. Even the most cautious are closer to their normal than they probably thought they ever could be again. The state of things on the social side are half worrying, and the other exciting seeing a rebirth with a newer set of rules.

There is either a troubling level of entitlement or I am just getting grumpy and old. The yang to that is hard work in rarer supply it seems so there are opportunities for those looking to put in the hours.

The boomers are running out of disposable income so their iron grip on leadership will perhaps loosen quickly enough that another 70year old gets elected again!