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RE: Effortless in Nature

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I totally agree! It is like I am out of step with the world, with things not being like they once were. What has happened to my life? My town? My world?

Le sigh.

Your hair has always been long, as far as I know. A lovely shade of auburn. Every man's dream. What is it about that color? ❤️ Down towards my waist is too long for me as it is pretty thick, but, this length makes it easier for me to french braid, twist a knot, or put it in a chignon. There are a lot of ways I can get it up off my neck, but short like I used to wear it just clung to my neck. Never happy, right?

I work hard for that.

I think you should take your wonderful Wednesday day off and do a nice update. Then a mani/pedi and then - oh? Too much? I was just thinking about how I need a pamper day. I was living vicariously through you. That is okay, right?

Well, I hope you are having a great day. It has been a hot one today!!!

Hi, El! @jacey.boldart


My doctor told me yesterday I should start working back to my normal lifestyle before covid. He said although it is definitely still here and contaigious, that the changes in the covid virus had lightened it up so much that by now most of it was no worse than other general viruses we have already. He said here, people are not having to be hospitalized for it and they are not dying from it (I'm sure there are exceptions, just like there has always been with the flu) He said the virus was never going away completely. As he said all of this he was indicating our hospital that his clinic is attached too. The hospital is under Cone Health, but this particular medical center is under the Duke umbrella. I was surprised he said that, but he did. It would be hard to just go out and about like I just don't care after all these precautions for so long. I'm rolling it around in my brain though. He said to keep a mask in my purse in case I go in somewhere like a restaurant or whatever and someone is coughing and the such, but other than that, it is time not to worry about it so much. Now, how I said it was not his exact words, but that is still what he said. Of course there are places that still require it, but other than that.....

 2 years ago (edited) 


Check! I keep a mask, Kleenex, and hand sanitizer on hand. I go out, today I was gone all day, same as yesterday. I know I said I don't really go anywhere, but the anywhere is the travel that I have stopped doing since covid. I have been on two small trips. That is it. I went to Bermuda for just 4 days and Maine for five days. I drove to Florida in the height of Covid to give my sister a car. A funeral for my brother... there is just no way we can stop living. Look what it is doing to you!

I have to say that I think it is borderline depressing for you because you have been alone. Very alone. Unbelievably by yourself. You thrive on people and your family, so I have to say that I would ease back, but, get back. My sister and I are meeting up in Pennsylvania next week. Two and a half-hour drive each. :) We are going to meet for lunch and go back home.

LOL !!!

 2 years ago  

I had to add the text to it! LOL YOu didn't wait!

I thought the photo was a perfect response....ha ha

I know it has not been good for me. The only thing that made it not as bad as it could have been, was that I did not constantly go out all the time before covid (but I knew that I could at any time) and have been on my own over 20 years, so some of the isolation was normal. It has just lasted too long and it IS depressing. Great faith and a few good mental skills has kept me from going too far down, but I certainly am not used to needing to fight that.

Sounds like a fun sister time you have planned.