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RE: Breathless - Facing those Firsts

in Silver Bloggers7 months ago (edited)

I'm so sorry, Lizelle. Grief really is a journey, isn't it? It can be quite unpredictable sometimes. One day at a time.

I'm noticing (especially since Covid) that such a big part of living through my 50's is learning how to deal with loss. It was just my Dad's birthday last week and I drempt about his twice in the days leading up to his birthday. In the first dream we were getting into an old rusty Jaguar convertible to get hamburgers (because he wanted one) and in the other dream we were just talking in the living room. It helps me so much to think that a part of him is still around me, maybe just peeking through a very thin, yet invisible veil.

I wish you a wonderful start to the week!

 7 months ago  

Thank you for the encouragement and for sharing your feelings Eric. Death is a subject we try to avoid, but I do believe there is just a thin veil between the two worlds. I like to think that our loved ones come to us in our dreams.
After reading about and listening to much on the topics of NDE's, I now believe that what we call life does not end here, and that we in fact move to another realm, in another form.
I first read Dr. Raymond Moody's book Life after Life after losing my brother under tragic circumstances at a young age, and it helped me a lot. Another medical professional, Dr. Bruce Greyson's video Life after Death is very enlightening.
Grief certainly is an awful journey!

You're welcome! I have the same belief about the afterlife. NDE's are very interesting in that so many people have almost the exact same experiences. I'll have to look up the book and the video! There are quite a few NDE stories that people are sharing on YouTube. Everyone I heard of sees life in a completely different way after they come back.