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RE: This Resilient Lily would not Wilt!

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

What wonderful memories, Lizelle. Lily sounds like a very special person who had her fair share of spunk! I really appreciate you sharing her story with us all. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

 2 months ago  

Thank you for starting Memoir Mondays, it's a wonderful way to bring back and store memories. Mom indeed was a spunky lass, as the minister, who knew her well said at her memorial service. She knew both my parents well, as Mom did voluntary work for the church's sewing academy. To help support the sewing academy, they had a section that sewed shirts and stoles with ethnic motifs, and Mom's job was to cut out those motifs. They were an awesome team of wonderful ladies. Dad was so frustrated after retiring and was over the moon to be employed as the church's handyman, on a half-day basis. They were so happy then, lived in what is now Lily's Cottage, and travelled to 'work' together. Dad used to not only fix things, but also was the only one who managed to drive the church's old Kombi, so he used to fetch all the old ladies for the Women's Auxiliary Meetings. They both were much loved there.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend as well Eric!