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RE: The Holidays Are Almost Here: Gold or Coal in Our Stockings?

The impact I see, is the ever-shrinking packages in the supermarkets, while the price continues to go up. It makes helping my grandmother bake dozens and dozens of pumpkin, cherry, and apple pies for friends and family during the holidays when I was a kid, a quaint memory. There's always the hope that things will get better, but until then, we soldier on.


I also have fond memories of all the things we were able to do when I was a kid. When I contemplate doing these same things now - given what you just pointed out about shrinking packages and rising prices - it seems like it happened in a different world.

I have my doubts that things will change. In general there is no such thing as turning back the dial. If we get to a point where the better economy and the cost to produce things actually going down usually what ends up happening is just that the price stays the same for a while. Meanwhile, the supermarket operators get fat on the profits.