Living should be more than grateful

I am currently experiencing a blockage in online earning paths. One of the most important factors of this may be the atmosphere of uncertainty in the markets.

As I am a food supplier and we are in the harshest period of winter, I am going through a period that also affects my real business.

Due to the uncertainty here, high inflation and the continuation of the economic crisis caused by the combination of different factors both complicate and deepen our conditions.

The product we bought 1 month ago is not less than 2 today, and the prices of some products are tripled.

Income inequality, which is here and around the world, affects people at the bottom of the income distribution more in such processes.

The efforts to see the future and overcome the difficulties of the present have turned into a struggle for life! It is not hard not to observe that people smile less and become more angry! We also know that the reason for this is the lack of livelihood.

Due to the lost purchasing power, they have difficulty in accessing what they have achieved in the past, and their hopes for the future are dashed. Young people avoid getting married and married people avoid having children. Everyone avoids having a direct impact on a life where you cannot offer a good future.

There are serious decreases in marriage and new birth rates! Those who get married and have problems in business, livelihood and economy take shelter with their family elders.
Thus, they are trying to save the day and survive.

Times of crisis contain some opportunities, but those who take advantage of the opportunities are those with high income or middle class. This widens the gap between the poor and the rich.

There are factors that cause this, and anyone can guess what these factors might be. For now, I want to talk about the results rather than the factors, because the factors will not change the one-to-one results.

The pressure and future uncertainty, especially on the young population; It destroys hopes of getting a job, starting a business, and getting into debt. The employment rate of university graduates on the departments they have completed is gradually decreasing, causing them to resort to alternative routes.

Alternative way; It can be like going to other countries, working in other jobs with cheaper labor, and tending to temporary and seasonal jobs. All of these mean lost economic power for a country and community.

The inability to use young people properly, their inability to marry, not having children or being content with only one child makes it inevitable to travel to an aging population.

Many of these are factors that apply to many countries. The problem that exists in most countries is the problem of the world and humanity.

The person who has nothing to lose may be the most dangerous type of person. He may seek out his lost hopes elsewhere and pursue illegal activities.

Living is a blessing and everyone has the right to share it equally. The more you enjoy the taste of life, the higher your vitality will be. Instead of breaking hopes, it is one of the best ways to choose.

Today, many parts of the world are full of people who are grateful when they wake up in the morning and can put their food on the table in the evening, because the clergy have constantly warned them about this. Be grateful even when you find the human source of life! Be grateful even when you meet your most natural needs!

What about those who can do more than these? Is it enough to simply be thankful for them? Is the world just their paradise?

Thank you for reading.


Hi man, I am stabilluis, my other name ErdoV from Read ;)

Hello sir, nice to see you here too. I hope you will be more active.

 2 years ago  

I am sorry to read about your current situation. These days are challenging indeed but I am hopeful for better days :)

Thank you for everything!

 2 years ago  

You are welcome, have a wonderful new week!

Yay! 🤗
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