Three Tune Tuesday - Throw Back Time

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago (edited)

It is Tuesday and time for a #threetunetuesday! The whole point of #threetunetuesday is to share three tunes and to blog a little bit about each tune and why you chose these tunes to share.

So I have sitting hear pondering . . .

Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 17-54-10 Thinking ape Meme Generator - Imgflip.png

Still nothing.

And then it struck me. What band did you enjoy way back in the last century, when the world lay in front of me. When all I cared about is whether my parents would smell the beer on my breath. And whether a pretty girl would toss a smile my way.

A time when I still had hair! :)

The sort of tune that got the blood flowing, the hands held high, when all things seemed possible.

Confession time.

How many of you drew the album cover of Boston on your book covers?

I did. How about you? Do you even know what a book cover was?

The next tune, seemed to be my mantra for life in a day long gone by and yet still brings a smile to my face when I remember who I once was but am no more.

Ok, no one, and I mean absolutely no one ever called me the "gangster of love".

Despite how I have begged and pleaded, yet no one ever has done me the honor.

Women suck! Its not like they ever needed to mean it, all I was asking is just say it!

Nope, not happening in this life time.

Perhaps I will master the moniker in my next life.

Do you remember, once upon a lifetime at the Senior Prom the class voted for a "Class Song"?

Did you you have that? What song did your class pick?

I was rather disaffected in the whole affair but I do recall that all the girls were in a tizzy over the the most important issue of our "Class Song" and how extremely important the vote would be to set the tone for our lives.

All the "preppy" girls wanted "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. Whereas all the "stoners" wanted "Broken Down Palace" by the Grateful Dead.

Oh how the halls of the High School did echo with the great cacophony between these two warring parties. So great was this discord that friendships that had been formed in elementary school were forever lost!

Very secretly and very quietly, a plan was laid. A plan to to draw just enough of each of these warring parties away and find a middle ground.

On the day of the vote, a new song was entered into the mix, over great protest, a song that the ardent opponents would never except and yet most who had tired of all the bickering had solemnly agreed was best moving forward.

Thus I share with you my High School Class Song!

Just saying that as always "There Comes a Time".

What was your class song?

Did the selection cause any great debates?

Let me know your class song in the comments. I would love to hear them.

There you go @ablaze, two, three tune Tuesdays in a row!


Like Meatloaf said two outta three ain’t bad…..

And at the end, something was posted on Tuesday

I'm definitely glad those days of high school are long gone! Even at the time I never saw the value in having a tizzy over music, geez high school girls were dumb... Some nice choices on the songs, good stuff. I have no idea what my class song was, it was too long ago and I guess senility is trying to sneak it's way in. Either that or I just didn't pay enough attention...

It is also a very big task for a person to post something everyday, for this a person has to think a lot. All this music is very good.

Ah no you're cooking man, two in a row. Fair play to you and you picked some proper humdingers this week, really enjoyed those now I must say! Nice one man..