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RE: The Future of Hive: Promoting Our Community, Alternatives to Facebook and Ease of Use

in Silver Bloggers11 months ago

You've raised some valid points.

When I was a newbie, it was complicated and had no idea how anything works, why there's 4 passwords, how I'll login... why there's multiple frontend/application etc etc.

Found those answers from friend or exploring on discord..

As far I know Login with Facebook or Google is something possible with Leofinance as they've lite accounts.

I belong to lots of Facebook groups and pages... but I don't have to go off Facebook to access them! And all my "stuff" can access all my other stuff.

That's something we need here.. everything at one place instead of switching from one Dapp to another. I see Every frontend is developing something and would be great to see how they'll make things easy for beginners coming from Facebook or other platform for the first time.