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RE: Vintage Cheques, Photos And Window Blinds - Day 33 - The 100 Day Project

That sounds like a most wonderful birthday present ! I bet it will be amazingly fun.

You were on a roll today, even with the delays and picked some interesting items for your clusters. Almost finished with that creative gift. It's will be nice for the recipient and has help you get through some days of the 100 day challenge.

I understand about not wanting to cut photos. I am reluctant to do the the same, but nearly everything I have has been scanned to digital now and most anything I have that is precious, I've shared digitally with my family too, so there is really no reason to keep them to be thrown out by the box when I croak ! I am reconsidering some things like that with my age and .... why not !


Sorting out the photos has been on my to do list for ages. I've done bits of it here and there but it feels overwhelming, especially as every time my Mum visits she brings yet another bag full.

I'm hoping to get the cluster book finished tomorrow and then it will be back to random stuff again. I've a couple of birthdays coming up in April so there will be more cards and possibly wrapping paper. Other than that anything goes. 😁

My Mom's birthday and Mother's Day is in may. I'm toying with trying my hand with making cards for both. My brother's birthday is the last day of this month, same day as Easter. Not sure if I will try for one for him or not.

I did think as I walked through the living room a few minutes ago. that maybe those paper bag table papers might be wrapping paper, maybe tied with some raffia.... but I'm sure many more ideas will swirl before it is over.

Can't wait to see the finished product and whatever shows up next.

What's holding you back from making the cards? I'm just curious.

I think your papers would make great wrapping paper and some cards to match would be perfect. 😍

Nothing is holding me back, the papers just haven't said "do it" yet. LOL So far they've just said "make more ! make more !"

We'll see....

It just crossed my mind that I gave away 2 Happy Birthday stamps in the last year or so. I only kept a couple for myself because I didn't see me using them anymore. 😂 Jokes on me !

Ah. I see. I do my greetings with single alphabet stamps but it's a lot of work. I have to clean around the letters before I actually stamp them. I'm not sure if that's because they were cheap or whether all rubber stamps are like that.

It's frustrating when you've given something away and then feel you might want to use it again. I did the same with a manual typewriter. Got rid of it because I wasn't using it much and then found I wanted to use it many times since. I've just had to find another way each time.

I had a small collection of stamps, not way too many and half of them Christmas where I stamped the envelopes of the Christmas Cards I used to send. I only kept about 3 and one red ink pad and gave the rest to my sister because she likes to use them sometimes. I truly had nearly not used them for years, not even once a year, so during the last re-organize spree I decided to let them go. I don't let things go fast, but it seemed so senseless at the time to keep them.

I have seen a set or two of the letters and numbers, but haven't chosen to buy any yet, but of course should something I wanted to do call for some, well I knew I would buy some. The birthday stamps hadn't crossed my mind till we were talking about the birthday cards and naturally, how I would get words on them was the next thought..... that lead to.... oh.... birthday stamps..... birthday stamps I don't have anymore ! LOL... oh well