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RE: Travel Diary 1978 - Part 2 - Dover (UK) - Oostende Belgium - Luxembourg - Holland

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Encountered some very strange reactions from people in some countries being South African, actually quite a giggle most thought we were from New Zealand not being able to recognize accent.

Not knowing was all the fun, meeting people traveling from all over the world, only two hostels deemed it fitting to place African persons into rooms together, we learned amazing stories even about our neighbours residing further North.

All in all, educational!

 3 years ago  

Oh, yes. Some people thought I was British!!!!! What?

I agree with you, traveling while I was young really was a great experience! I am glad you thought so too!

No backaches, no teeth problems, no need to worry in bell bottom jeans, just go and have fun. Youth is amazing, I want a rebate to have more! 😂

 3 years ago  

Yes!!! Stand in line!!❤