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RE: Lone Tree On A Hill

in Silver Bloggerslast year

Might be tree with a view, standing like a sore thumb in lightning storms though...

Fourth photo was an end of March visit, right on the start of Autumn with a few trees starting to show, loved how this young tree had a great shaped canopy.

Long shifts never fun, keep yourself busy with a little this (work) a little that (pleasure)....

Weather is cooler this morning, rain now moved along, later morning back to hot conditions with additional humidity, at least we had a short reprieve from heat.



Yep, this tree looks great and especially the colours of the leaves are awesome 👍

Although I can sleep during nightshift, I am very tired the next day. And because the next day is a "normal" work day I am always even more tired. That's the reason why I reply today and not yesterday 😏 !LOLZ

I still hope the weatherman is wrong and you'll have cooler weather till the Autumn arrives 🙏😀

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Going up to the mountains during Autumn is something I must try to plan around to see the colours again, not done that yet normally arrive in Spring.

Heat is pumping itself up outdoors as we speak, February is normally our worst month for heat so I am hoping to see lots of photography with snow from the North.


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Spring is beautiful when all gets green after gray months, but the Autumn is my favourite - it's stunning when the trees change their colour and a woodland often looks like a painter's palette 🎨

I'll do my best ❄️

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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