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RE: Travel Diary 1978 - Part 5 - Italy - France - Britain

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Yep, exactly 😎

Well, it's lunchtime and I have got a few minutes ;) So let's calculate ... in 1964 a Mini Cooper was 3.060 × 1.410 × 1.350 meters in size what makes 5.83 cubic meters. The Arc de Triomphe is 50 x 45 x 22 meters in size what makes 49,500 cubic meters ... my result would be 8,490.57 Mini's - please tell my boss if I'm wrong. Maybe he says I can retire earlier 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)


⭐️🌟 Ha ha knew I would get you calculating this one since information is readily available for 1978 mini model and Arc won't change size hopefully, sorry you stay on the job a bit longer... Still too fresh to retire yet!

The most people crammed in a Mini (Classic model) is 27 and was achieved by Dani and the mini-skirts (UK) at the London to Brighton Mini Run in Brighton, UK, on 18 May 2014. Source



Oh yeah, I tried to find the weight of the Arc and calculate that too, but didn't have enough time here at work ;) lol

I think I have seen a photo or even a video of this world record - Mister Bean is the best, I love him 😀

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Too much thinking for one day!

Enjoy the evening knowing we achieved some "proof of brain" today LOL....

Right, it's too hot for thinking today anyway - I'm going to change my clothes for motorcycle gear in a minute and hop on my bike for a ride 😁
Have a wonderful evening Joan 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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