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RE: Late afternoon heat photos.

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I'm happy to hear that the temperatures have dropped and you can go outside again, my friend 😀
The low cloud looks great. I hope the sand wasn't too hot for Troy's feet - great timing for the photo 👍

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

 2 years ago  

Thank you and glad now that you know I have managed to get out 😊

Yeah that was indeed a weird cloud and it was late afternoon, so the sand had cooled down enough for Troy. Just a luck to get the joint lift of their feet, as I only saw it when I downloaded the camera into the PC. 😉

Cheers and thanks.

You should knit shoes for Troy that he can walk in the hot sand too 😉
Sometimes the best shots happen unintentionally - great 👌

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

 2 years ago  

Hahaha, we can certainly knit shoes for him, but then you will have to come and put it on for him.
He hates anything on him and won't even wear a collar. So bring some plasters with for your fingers 🤣

Most times in my case 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Ok, forget the shoes, I need my crooked fingers 🤣

Many dogs here are used of shoes in winter when the roads and sidewalks are salted to get rid of the ice.

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER

 2 years ago  

Now that makes sense as even the vets are careful when they touch him. I can of course ruffle him up and play-wrestle with him, but even Marian must be careful. I think that he sees her as an older sister 😉

Oh yes, I can understand that and it's a good thing for the dogs. Over here nothing like that is required as we have no need to salt the roads.

Cheers and thanks.

Our old cat hated the vet and her assistant wore thick gloves to hold him when she needed to touch him. An angry 12 kilo cat can be scary 😸

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER

 2 years ago  

So the mountain goat went with his tiger to the vet.
This could be turned into a movie script 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

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