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RE: Unplugged!

Hey there, great to meet another South African on Hive. Wow, you've been around for some years here. And I only found you now.

Well done for working so hard, now I recommend spending time posting a daily article. Journaling is very healthy and now that you have time, it pays to spend it on yourself, and journaling will help you to get in touch with your own thoughts. And you will grow your Hive wallet investments lol.

I aim to upvote all SA posts that I encounter so will put you on my list.

Best wishes from the Garden Route.


Hi @julianhorack there are plenty of us here. There is a whole South African community and silverbloggers are also run by a South African lady.

I started on steemit and came over to hive. It's been a journey. I also have the educationhive account. If you want to post under the education community I'll see you there.

Excellent, let me check out the education community. I know the silverbloggers, thanks for reminding me.