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RE: Saturday Check In: Silver - Weather - Garden - Relax

I have my own challenges finding something squashed/bent some of my bean and Beet seedlings so I had to start from seed again, some time lost. On the other hand my Onions and potato growing like crazy. My sole orchid even has bud peeking out, I'm delighted. I got Beets, Tomatoes, pumpkins and peas going.
Looking forward to seeing your results this fall @bdmillergallery


Pumpkins will be cool! Yeah the birds around here are crazy. Squirrels also wreck havoc if the risk the long run over to the garden.
Your Orchid has a bloom stem starting??!!! Very exciting news 😁



The pot is looking too small, when would it be safe to repot into a bigger pot? After the blooms open and fall off?

Yes. I would wait until the blooms are done and fall off. Then I would snip that bloom Stem, about 1/4 inch out from where it protrudes from the leaves. You wanna wait until after bloom because the stress of repotting it may make it drop the blooms prematurely… And you've waited so long for the bloom.

I actually just repotted my mother-in-law's because it finally finished blooming after about a month and a half of holding onto those flowers. What I do is I soak the plant in a cup of water. Or if your pot doesn't have a hole at the bottom just fill it up completely with water and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Then I pull the entire thing out of the pot and start breaking Off that moss or whatever media it is they potted it in. I clip off any roots that are brown or dried up. Your left with something similar to this…


Then I typically repot it in a larger pot, preferably terra-cotta but that's just my choice. Terra-cotta pots allow the water to drain and be pulled out of that bark enough that it doesn't sit in the bar too long and create a moldy situation around the roots. That's the reason I use it. You can easily triple the size of the pot it's probably in right now. I Purchased bark from the hardware store. Home Depot or Lowes typically has an orchid bark available. There's no way you'll probably use the entire bag repotting one orchid, but the bark lasts a long time so if you have a place to store you're good to go. I just filled the bottom of the pot with a little bark, place the plant in there and while holding it shake additional bark in around those bare roots. Then I just water mine once a week.

Hopefully that wasn't too much information at once. Lol

Bookmarked for future reference. 🤗