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RE: To Knit or Knot

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

It's weird how I also do some things the "right" way, like eating with a knife and fork, but the spoon with my left hand, and the computer mouse with my right hand, don't know why! I tried using the mouse with my left hand when my right shoulder was injured, but it was really not easy.

My one brother also is left-handed and plays the guitar the "right" way, and used to kick the ball with his right foot which is unusual for a leftie.

I must check out @eveuncovered's work.

Maybe one day when I can't move around freely, I'll try my hand at a 'sedate' kind of handcraft;)


I don't know why these thins have gotten ingrained in our brains that way, I wonder about it too! Maybe it's 'cause that's how we're used to seeing people do it? I dunno. Anyway, looking forward to your knitting adventures, should they come in the future :D Hope you're well.