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RE: Pairs for pears

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago

Hello, I like pears very much but in Cuba they are almost not sold, only apples. With them you can make delicious compotes and sauces. I see that you like cooking very much. Here there is no red pumpkin either, but there is the Cuban pumpkin or zapayo. Very beneficial for health. Rich in vitamin E and Zinc. I cook it a lot at home and with the peel, there the vitamins are more concentrated. I really enjoyed your post. Have a nice weekend.🍐🍐🍐🍎🍎🍎🍏🍏🍏🥰❤️


Pears have a shortish season here and are also grown for export. As are apples. I don't know the Cuban pumpkin (I shall look it up) and usually mostly eat butternut - great for, vitamins C and A, magnesium and potassium.