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RE: Sometimes tough love is the answer

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

This is SUCH an important lesson to figure out.

Well... two important lessons.

  1. You can't help anyone else if you're an exhausted wreck yourself. Best to take care of yourself first so that you can be on your game to help others 👍

  2. Although i don't like the term "tough love" because I think love is only kind and gentle (really), this translates into not enabling people (to me).

That is... compassion for all living beings, but compassion doesn't mean allowing someone to hurt others or themselves. It's not compassionate to allow this because then the person never progresses in their own learning.

Your post is full of wisdom and really great knowledge. Nicely done <3


hi @nickydee!

first thanks for dropping by and yes... it translates as not enabling people, not because you don't care but just because that's what they need in order to grow. :)

Exactly this and it's really difficult to do at times :)
